14 January 2016

Crew briefing

Last weekend I spent a great day at my very first crew briefing for the Clipper Race 17-18. As for how I felt in the run up to Saturday, well, excited doesn't even begin to cover it! It was so great to meet some of my fellow crew, and realise that I'm not the only crazy one out there. It was fun to chat about Clipper to people who really get it as well.

There were interesting talks from Mission Performance Managing Director Rob Lewis about leadership, teamwork and polar bear attacks (hot tip: don't lose at spoof so you end up having to run towards it while yelling like an idiot waving skis), and Henri Lloyd and Unicef. Some current and past Race alumni were there too, which was great as it gave everyone a chance to ask questions and get some great tips - 

  • Take a handheld fan is something at least three of them said to me
  • Don't buy everything in black because everyone does and it's impossible to find anything
  • A good sports glasses retainer will keep your glasses on your head even when you can't see for water spraying in your face
It was also fun having a few drinks after the talks and bonding with my crewmates over plans to smuggle Mars Bars and Tabasco sauce on board (you know who you are you two), trying on some of the Henri Lloyd foulies for size (pretty much all of us got the smock stuck halfway off), and generally having a chinwag.

Now, no truly great event would be complete without a bag of goodies, and Clipper certainly didn't let us down!

  • Clipper Race pen - lets be honest, this is everyone's favourite freebie at every conference/event/meeting ever
  • Souvenir Race Magazine - such addictive reading, one copy just isn't enough
  • Multi-functional headwear - yeah, I didn't know what this was either. It's one of those amazing bits of fabric that somehow manages to be a snood, a head band, a scrunchie, a beanie, a pirate hat, an alice band, a balaclava and a face mask all at the same time. Pretty cool!
  • Unicef t-shirt and wristbands - although I'm fundraising for British Red Cross, that doesn't stop me from wearing Unicef's t-shirt to the gym to help raise brand awareness for them

I may also have bought myself an inflatable Clipper globe, which may or may not have already caused much mayhem and hilarity in my office...


All in all a great day, despite the torrential rain outside!

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